Sunday, November 22, 2015


Thanksgiving is THIS week - I am not ready and also can't believe it's the end of November.  I know that when you are young you just do not understand when adults tell you time moves faster the older you get - but it is true.  So very true.

The picture on the top left is some of my family (before I was born).  My grandmother, Mae, is sitting, my uncle J.T & my uncle Slim (holding my cousin, Gale).  Standing is my cousin, Jimmy, next to his mother, Donna Mae and Jerry.  Then my aunt Tootie, holding who I think must be my cousin Linda and my cousin Janet is standing in front of the table.

When I was growing up living with my grandmother, everyone always came to our house for the holidays.  ALL the holidays.  My cousins and I were close and enjoyed being together.  My grandmother did all the cooking and I always remember Tootie washing the dishes afterward.  We usually had the same foods every year and ALWAYS dressing - not stuffing - cause we live in the South.  There was potato salad, pea salad, sweet potatoes and green beans.  Those are the dishes I remember, though I think there were more.  There was also dessert, which was usually pie.  A lot of pies, actually - pumpkin, pecan, chocolate and coconut, as well as a fruit salad concoction that had pistachio pudding in it that made it green.

The picture on the top right is Scott's family a few years ago.  His family is more spread out and it was not unusual for them to NOT all be together for holidays.  When we got married & I asked who we were going to spend our first Thanksgiving with, Scott replied that we were going to order the traditional "Thanksgiving pizza".  I really thought he was joking. 

So to me any holiday, but especially Thanksgiving means "family".  I try to keep the traditions the same because it reminds me of those who are not with us any longer.  It is harder and harder to get everyone together, though, and that makes me sad.  I guess that is one of the reasons I scrapbook - because I get to remember how nice it was for us to all be together and how much I love my family, both my original family & Scott's family, too.

I hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving and remembers to cherish each moment.  And also remember to take pictures!!!!  One day you will be Thankful for those.
