Sunday, October 18, 2015

Feels like Fall

Well, it finally feels a little bit like fall around here.  We have had the windows open, went to Fall Fest yesterday & made pumpkin bread today.  I love fall - everything about it; crisp cool mornings, having the windows open & hearing the wind chimes blowing, the festivals, decorations & this time of year makes me think of family.

Growing up, we had so many traditions during the holidays (Thanksgiving & Christmas) - most involved family & food.  I'm sure this is true for most people, but it is something I guess I took for granted most of my life.  It seems when we were kids the adults took family time more seriously, all holidays were spent with all extended family together at some point, kids running around and getting to see aunts, uncles, cousins in addition to immediate family members.  It saddens me because the family that is left doesn't seem interested in getting together with everyone; only their immediate family & only if it doesn't inconvenience them in some way.

My grandmother always cooked & always insisted anyone who came to our house never left hungry.  There were always certain foods associated with each holiday, too.  So this time of year also makes me miss her & feel nostalgic for the past.

Please cherish your family & make memories with them while you can.  Enjoy the people and moments that holidays bring.  One of the reasons why I scrapbook is to remember all of those times.

Until next time,

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Remembering Loved Ones

Grandmothers are truly a gift from God; some more so than others.  This is mine - MawMaw (Mae).  It is not an exaggeration when I say I don't know where I would be without her.  She raised me basically from the time I was born.  My parents "had" to get married because my mother got pregnant so it is no surprise that they also got divorced when I was only a few months old.  They lived with my grandmother (my father's mother) and when they separated, I stayed with my dad and MawMaw.  She took care of me while he worked and after he & my step-mom married I stayed with her.  I grew up knowing both of my parents, but I also knew I was better off living with and being raised by my grandmother. 

She had five children, one who died at age 4 from pneumonia, 12 grandchildren & 10 great-grandchildren at the time she passed away.  It is difficult for me to believe that it has been 13 years without her.  There have been many times over the years that something will come up & I will think - I need to call MawMaw & tell her that.  It is only for a second and then I remember that I can't.  Today, October 6, is her birthday and I felt I should try to get some of my thoughts written down somewhere. 

There are so many things I could write about MawMaw, but what sticks out in my mind are two lessons I feel are important for anyone, anytime.  The first is that no matter what you look like on the outside you have to "act pretty" to be pretty.  I remember so many times as a child if I went somewhere being told to "be nice & act pretty".  It's your attitude, manners & kindness that make you pretty.  The second isn't really something she said, just her day to day living.  No matter what is going on in your life, you just get up every day and do what needs to be done.  She was a very strong woman who worked hard and took care of her family.  We always had Sunday dinners, Thanksgiving and Christmas at our house.  MawMaw would do the majority, if not all, of the cooking and everyone was expected to be there. 

Growing up I didn't realize how much work this all was, but now as an adult I don't know how she did everything.  She was an excellent cook - just old-fashioned home cooked meals and anytime someone came to the house she tried to feed them. 

I know I am rambling, but PLEASE, if you have a parent or grandparent that you love, call them & tell them!  The worst part of growing up & getting older is losing those you love.  When you are a kid it never crosses your mind that they won't always be there & then one day you wake up & YOU are the adult, the older generation, so hold them close while you can.

Until next time,

Sunday, October 4, 2015

Puppy Madness

My good intentions of keeping track of stories and scrapbooking on this blog have been waylaid recently by our newest addition of a puppy to our household.  It seems as if Scott and I lost our minds when we decided two dogs & two cats would not be a problem.  So, we both agreed to this:

Cute right?  He was born on June 20, 2015.  We brought him home at the end of July, he was 5 weeks old and weighed 6 lbs.  He is a full-blood Siberian Husky & we named him Bandit.  Turns out Taz would have been a better choice.  He is 15 weeks old now & weighs about 25 lbs.

 We have not had a moment to ourselves since we brought him home.  Turns out, you MUST keep an eye on the puppy at ALL times.  Sleeping is a thing of the past and forget actually sitting down.  We bought a regular baby gate at first (cause he's little, right?).  That lasted about two weeks.  Luckily that time Scott was at home when Bandit came around the corner into the kitchen - after Scott had locked him in the bathroom two minutes earlier.

We then bought a regular pet gate, which is taller, has a walk-through gate and latches.  That worked well for quite a while.  (He's only in there while we are not home - at work or at WalMart buying more pet treats.)  But we were gone for several hours last Saturday so I could get my hair done & do some clothes shopping.  When we came home, Bandit was in the kitchen again - he had gotten out of the latched gate, gone to the bathroom in the office, shredded a CD & its paper sleeve and who knows what else.  Oh, the joys of having pets!  Currently he is teething & chasing the cats.  We keep telling him it's a good thing he's cute!  I hope we can keep our sanity until he learns some manners.

For the most part, he is doing well.  Going potty outside, sit and down are okay.  Trying to teach him come & leave it are not going so well.  I know that this is just a phase & one of these days when he weighs 50 or 60 lbs. and is all grown up we will not even remember the craziness of having a puppy. 

Hoping things will settle down a little & I can get back to scrapbooking and enjoying some quite time soon.  Until then, Happy Fall Ya'll!
