Sunday, July 5, 2015

Introductions (continued) - Prince George

George is our newest fluffy addition.  He was also a stray.  We brought him home from the BBQ place we go to one town over.  It is owned by a family and the daughters work the front most of the time now.  They mentioned that they had several cats outside they were trying to get rid of.  We had seen this one several times, he was very friendly and would come to you to be petted and seemed to want attention.

So one evening they finally talked us into taking him.  We brought him home and put him in the guest bathroom until we could take him to the vet to get shots and be checked out.  We also didn't know how Bo would react to another cat in HIS house.

We found out that he was about 7 or 8 months old; got his shots and gave him a bath.  Then we picked out a name - Luke.  (We had already had a Roscoe P. Coaltrain and currently had Bo & Daisy, so this seemed like a good idea.)  We tried and tried to call him Luke, but it just didn't fit.   I ended up calling him George quite a bit and that seemed right; I used to quote the Bugs Bunny cartoon with the abominable snowman "I will love him and squeeze him & call him George."  So sometime you just gotta go with it!

He is a very friendly cat, but scared of a lot of things.  He hides under the bed when he is afraid or if there are too many people in the house.  He doesn't really like Daisy (the dog) and hisses at her if she gets too close to him.  He is also my snuggle cat and likes to sleep with me, whether I am in bed or just taking a nap on the couch.

All in all, everyone seems to get along and coexist peacefully.  Scott and I spend a LOT of time sweeping and vacuuming all the furniture, though!

I will introduce Daisy next time and would really like to share some scrapbooking pages or cards, too.

Thanks for stopping by!

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